On a positive note though, got to hang out with a bunch a girls at cubby's for supper afterwards. It's great getting a break from school and just having some girl time once in awhile:) But the rest of my week is pretty stress free as far as classes go. Thats always nice..
So I wanna share a couple of things from my day yesterday. First, I was part of an email outreach for Cru. In doing so I discovered a pretty neat site that we included in the responses. Its called Every Student and it just has tons of info on questions about life and God. I encourage you to check it out! There are so many great things to read about.... http://www.everystudent.com/
Also, instead of the normal Cru routine, we had a concert last night! Artist: Danen Kane. SO good. Seriously look him up. His songs are so amazing. Don't worry, I've already got his newest album (Love is Here) on my itunes. I have a feeling this CD is gonna be my current music obsession for awhile. Here is the link for his website: http://danenkane.com/
While I'm at it, I wanted to include a song I was reminded of last night. It's called "Wait For Me" by Rebecca St. James It's about staying pure for your future spouse. Such a beautiful song.
I just love that song. Indeed, Rebecca St. James has been a blessing in my life. Teaching us all to wait for the right person. God bless your life!