Thursday, July 11, 2013

be bold

Wait a minute. The staff are gone?

Yes, it’s true. The staff left us almost two weeks ago now. It's hard to believe that project is already more than half over and they're gone for good. The first month they did such a marvelous job of preparing us to step up and take on leadership roles and now they've left the project completely to us. So, now's when the party starts! Jokes. But really it has already been so great to see everyone step up and our new student staff directors are especially doing a wonderful job. It’s cool how friendships have been growing as we continue to pour into each other and point each other towards Christ.  

Me & my discipler Rachel on the left, the banquet up top, and
a few of the rad staff girls on the bottom right. Solid bunch.
I’m working a lot lately and it has been so good. Extremely exhausting, but good. I’m getting to know my coworkers and God has already opened up doors to share a little about my faith and the Gospel with them! They’re open to talk and that’s cool to see. This week our theme is "be bold" and I want to do that by continuing to build up friendships with my coworkers and being intentional in showing them Christ. 

Michelle & I at work :)
We also had a fantastic time celebrating the 4th of July here in San Diego! There was food, friends, freedom, and most definitely fun! We set up camp by the bay, blasted some music, played games, and got to just hang out and talk with people around the area! Of course, we ended the night watching the Sea World fireworks by the bay.

4th of July fun! Go America!

Well, with the theme this week of "be bold," I've been really encouraged by Ephesians 6:10-20. Paul tells us to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power, to put on the whole armor of God so that we may stand against the wiles of the devil. And in closing, he says,

"Pray also for me, so that when I speak, a message may be given to me to make known 
with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. 
Pray that I may declare it boldly, as I must speak." 

That's my prayer as well, that God would help me and continue to push me as I speak out in his name! It's been awesome how he has provided conversations on campus, at work, and on the beach as we go out and do evangelism. It's not easy, thats for sure, and to be honest sometimes it's the last thing I want to do. But God not only calls us to boldness, but also gives us the strength and the power to make it possible! He continues to uphold even when we are tired and weary.

"For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power 
and of love and of self-discipline." -2 Timothy 1:7

Thanks to everyone who has been praying for me on this journey so far. I appreciate it more than you know! Please continue to pray for me as these last few weeks of project are approaching. May we continue to have an impact for the name of Christ both here in San Diego and in our lives for years to come!
