Here it is. Here is the time that I’ve been anticipating
for the past 5 months. Actually, I'm sitting in the airport waiting for my flight right now. Today I leave for what could quite possibly
be one of the best (and most challenging) summers of my life. It will be a
summer of fun and adventure, of sunshine and new friends, but most importantly
it will be a summer of growth in my walk with Christ while I help advance
the Gospel.
This summer I have an incredible opportunity to go on a
Summer Missions project through Cru (formerly Campus Crusades for Christ). I
will be joining 100 other students in San Diego, CA (YES! SAN DIEGO!) to be a
part of a summer of learning skills in leadership and ministry. While on this
project I will be part of an active Christian community that has a heart for
the lost, and will have the opportunity to bring Christ into the workplace as
well. We will be active with ministry
outreach on the beach and on campuses such as San Diego State and UCSD. At the
same time, I will be part of a small group Bible study and involved in
discipleship ministry.
This is a huge step of faith for me and to be honest I'm scared out of my mind. But I believe that God
is planning to use this summer to equip me with a heart and lifestyle change
that will benefit me for the rest of my life!
In order to take part in this adventure I needed to raise
almost $4000. God has indeed continued to show his faithfulness as he brought
every dollar in. I am so thankful for my friends and family who have decided to
be a part of my team by supporting me in prayer and also financially.
As I prepare to leave I have so many emotions going through
my head and my heart. I’m anxious. I’m
fearful. I’m excited. But I think most of all, I’m
ready. I’m ready to take risk for the Lord and to see how he will stretch my
faith and mold my heart, and to trust him daily as He leads me in His will. I'm ready to increase my understanding of God's Word, deepen my relationship with Him, and be more obligated for reaching people with the Gospel. I'm ready to meet new people and soak up that Cali sun!
So here I go. Remember me in your prayers, please, and keep checking back here for updates on my summer in SanDee!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." -Proverbs 3:5-6